Saturday, August 15, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009


"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke

My friend Rick and I constantly battle (with deep mutual respect) over the importance of the public opinion polls that state, for example, "the public is in favor of:"  Closing Guantanamo, Prosecuting Bush and Cheney, Ending the Iraq War....

The point I try to make is - YES, WITH OUR LIPS WE-THE-SHEEPLE FAVOR, but when it comes down to fighting, for it, RISKING FOR IT, SACRIFICING EVERYTHING FOR IT?!!??!?!  Nah.

We are surrendering this Country to the Death Mob, the Hate Mob without moving from our comfortable chairs, without putting our lives on the line, WITHOUT PUTTING EVERYTHING ON THE LINE we nice, reasonable, "blue state," American sheeple.

Gandhi was totally against "violence" ["hostility" is what he meant], BUT ABOVE ALL ELSE, GANDHI MOST ABHORRED "COWARDICE," responding timidly, or not at all, or without total self-commitment in the face of impending atrocity; that EVEN VIOLENCE WAS PREFERABLE TO PASSIVITY.


What "atrocity?"  The impending takeover of America by the Mob.


Republican Death Trip

New York Times - Paul Krugman

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Start's just barely keeping his head above water. Not complaining, but rather aching that he can't do more to help.

I'm not as "nice" as I used to be. 

But if I were, this would be an indictment of me; it would
be a clear indication I was staying on the sidelines and not pushing myself to the absolute
limits for my "family," Humanity, as is called for from all of us at such a pivotal, desperate time...
I would not be Waging Love with all of my might.  But I am making the attempt.  "Soldiers" that
dearly love their comrades, when in the midst of battle, are likely to be a bit,
unintentionally "rough;"  or they are not responding appropriately to the REAL emergency.
Sorry, in advance, or in arrears, as the case may be.  Distance yourself from me,
or drop me altogether when you must.

I need 10,000 of me right now to achieve what needs to be achieved!!!!!!!!!!!  At least.  Soon, it will be too late.

This is such a crucial time for Humanity.  Such crucial, ultimate, for-all-time
decisions on the direction of America and therefore the world ARE BEING DECIDED, NOW
  • Whether we completely crucify President Obama or fight alongside him, shield him, and win; unlike
    how we failed in the opportunity presented by JFK, RFK, King, Gandhi, Romero, Jesus....
  • Whether we once and for all cede America to the Corporations forever or, using Healthcare
    as a pivot issue, rise up and take America back from their bloody grasp.
  • Whether we win Climate Change legislation  BEFORE COPENHAGEN IN DEC (7th)
    and: 1. literally begin saving Humanity from destruction; and 2. Thereby avoid
    ceding domination of the renewable energy industry to China, if it is not already
    too late for that.
  • Whether we suffer the fate of 1920's Germans and through our cowardice, timidity,
    delusion, indecision... allow the Brown Shirt Mob to take utter and final control
    of this country, dooming the world to horrors never seen before.
I spend every waking moment on these issues.  I am blessed with the opportunity to
maintain the 28 Year Peace Vigil, but of course that constrains what else I can do.  So,
thanks to the blessing of a laptop and wifi, and a place to sleep
(thanks Angel Ellen) I spend all waking hours per day, when not speaking with folks at the vigil,
combing the country's newspapers - and where I think it might help, I post comments -
these are the pseudo "town hall" meetings I can "reach," and speak up within!  And of course I research, comb hundreds
of articles on Climate Change, and post, and blog, and facebook, and youtube....  The site
is up to 545 subscribers and receives up to several thousand viewings per day, and many comments.

But, this is wwwaaayyyyy  tooooooooooooooo inadequate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to:
  • Be AT these town meetings on the American-Soul-determining Healthcare fight.
  • Attending, hosting, supporting, executing, funding every action I conceivably could
    at and - two EXCELLENT organizations today.
  • Be Reading and Mastering "The Family" to grasp, and formulate a reaction to the
    deeply Demonic threat these folks constitute.  [MUST SEE DN! segment yesterday]
  • Be Reading and Mastering Chip Bartlet's work about the Right Wing in America
    that is SOOOO CLOSE to re-emerging and finishing the destruction reeked on
    this land these last 40 years. [MUST SEE DN! segment today]
  • Be down in West Virginia getting arrested with the heroic activists standing against
    Mountaintop Removal.
  • Etc.
  • Etc.
  • Etc
  • Etc.
  • Etc.
  • Etc....
I'm not as "nice" as I used to be.  But if I were, this would be an indictment of me; it would
be a clear indication I was staying on the sidelines and not pushing myself to the absolute
limits for my "family," Humanity, as is called for from all of us at such a pivotal, desperate time
Waging Love with all of my might.

Your brother,


US vows to embrace UN in break with Bush-era policy Reuters UK