Saturday, June 6, 2009

Our Men and Women in Uniform - the One Group in this Country I Respect and With Whom I Feel Affinity. (Oh, Our Youth Too)

Our Men and Women in Uniform - the One Group in this Country I Respect and With Whom I Feel Affinity. (Oh, Our Youth Too)

(... And too the folks that come to visit the Vigil.) The one group I respect in this country is our men and women in uniform. Yes, my life is dedicated to the elimination of folks killing others, but Courage is the hallmark of Humanity, of Human Health. That our men and women in uniform have been misled to thinking hostility is the answer does not deny their courage and humanity. Our men and women in Uniform are the one group in the US that can be depended upon to lay their lives on the line for the stranger, and for what they believe in. All the rest of us are on the take, doing unto others before they can do unto us; or just, self-righteously sitting on the sidelines criticizing others, aiding and abetting needless suffering through out criminal neglect. "I consider myself a soldier." Gandhi. "Give me a military man to work with any day; do not give me any cowards." Gandhi. It is unmistakable the admiration and respect many of the Secret Service have for my efforts; as my admiration for them is also clear. Quite a contrast with the near universal disrespect I receive from the "activist" community, and the "church" community; disrespect that I have come to experience as a powerful affirmation. :-)

Iran nuclear program advancing, U.N. agency says Los Angeles Times

t r u t h o u t | US-Russia Nuclear Disarmament Talks Called ...